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En digital marknadsstrategi som tar ditt företag till nästa nivå

Boka kostnadsfri förstudie

En väl genomtänkt digital strategi är grunden för att du ska lyckas i dagens konkurrensutsatta digitala landskap. Oavsett om du vill öka försäljningen i din ehandel, generera fler leads eller stärka ditt varumärke så hjälper vi dig att definiera din strategi och din plan för tillväxt.

Så lyckas du med din digitala marknadsstrategi

“81% of consumers research brands on social media before purchasing.”

En väl definierad marknadsstrategi är din bästa investering i framtida ROI

Vår väg till en lyckad marknadsstrategi

Steg 1


We analyze your brand and goals to craft a winning ad strategy.

Steg 2

Definiera SMARTa mål och strategi

We analyze your brand and goals to craft a winning ad strategy.

Steg 3

Utgå från målgrupper och skapa nyckelstories

We analyze your brand and goals to craft a winning ad strategy.

Steg 4

Ta fram en marknadsplan med nedbrutna kanalplaner

We analyze your brand and goals to craft a winning ad strategy.

Steg 5

Driftsätt och följ upp din strategi

We analyze your brand and goals to craft a winning ad strategy.

Custom Advertising Solutions for Every Platform

Facebook Ads

Drive engagement and sales with targeted campaigns.

Facebook Ads

Drive engagement and sales with targeted campaigns.

Facebook Ads

Drive engagement and sales with targeted campaigns.

Facebook Ads

Drive engagement and sales with targeted campaigns.

Custom Advertising Solutions for Every Platform

Increase online store sales for a gardening tools retailer through Instagram and Facebook ads.

Metric Pre-Campaign Post-Campaign Change
Webstie Traffic 1,200 visitors 4,800 visitors +300 %
Average Time on Site 1:30 3:20 +122 %
Bounce Rate 60 % 42 % -18 %

Key Takeaways

Increase online store sales for a gardening tools retailer through Instagram and Facebook ads.

Metric Pre-Campaign Post-Campaign Change
Webstie Traffic 1,200 visitors 4,800 visitors +300 %
Average Time on Site 1:30 3:20 +122 %
Bounce Rate 60 % 42 % -18 %

Key Takeaways

Increase online store sales for a gardening tools retailer through Instagram and Facebook ads.

Metric Pre-Campaign Post-Campaign Change
Webstie Traffic 1,200 visitors 4,800 visitors +300 %
Average Time on Site 1:30 3:20 +122 %
Bounce Rate 60 % 42 % -18 %

Key Takeaways

Increase online store sales for a gardening tools retailer through Instagram and Facebook ads.

Metric Pre-Campaign Post-Campaign Change
Webstie Traffic 1,200 visitors 4,800 visitors +300 %
Average Time on Site 1:30 3:20 +122 %
Bounce Rate 60 % 42 % -18 %

Key Takeaways

Increase online store sales for a gardening tools retailer through Instagram and Facebook ads.

Metric Pre-Campaign Post-Campaign Change
Webstie Traffic 1,200 visitors 4,800 visitors +300 %
Average Time on Site 1:30 3:20 +122 %
Bounce Rate 60 % 42 % -18 %

Key Takeaways

Increase online store sales for a gardening tools retailer through Instagram and Facebook ads.

Metric Pre-Campaign Post-Campaign Change
Webstie Traffic 1,200 visitors 4,800 visitors +300 %
Average Time on Site 1:30 3:20 +122 %
Bounce Rate 60 % 42 % -18 %

Key Takeaways

Vanliga frågor

Why is digital marketing important for my business?

Digital marketing allows businesses to reach a wider audience, target specific customer segments, and track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, making
it an essential tool for growth in today’s online-driven world.

FAQ Question 2

Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

FAQ Question 3

Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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